The annual meeting of Grace Memorial Episcopal Church will be held on Sunday, February 25, 2024, in the parish hall at Grace Memorial Episcopal Church, 100 West Church Street, Hammond, immediately following the 10:00 o’clock AM Holy Eucharist.
At the annual meeting, the election of Vestry members shall take place. Click here to see the nominees. The membership will also be called upon to vote on amended and restated Articles of Incorporation of Grace Memorial Episcopal Church, which are recommended by the Vestry. The substance of the changes from the existing articles are as follows: (a) To split the former Articles of Incorporation into separate sets of Articles and By-Laws, by removing from the Articles several provisions that ordinarily are included in by-laws. (b) To provide that the annual meeting of the membership will be held on the Second Sunday after the Epiphany each year, unless the Vestry determines otherwise. (c) To provide for limitation of liability of Vestry members and officers to the fullest extent allowed by Louisiana law. (d) To bring the articles in conformity with the Model Articles of Incorporation that were drafted by the Chancellor of the Diocese, and which are available on the web site of the Diocese. (e) To renumber, restate, clarify, and otherwise revise the Articles of Incorporation as is set forth in the proposed Amended and Restated Articles. Copies of the proposed Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation are linked below. If you would like to see the existing set of Articles of Incorporation, which were last revised in 1988, please contact Mtr. Liz here and a copy will be sent to you. If the Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation are approved by the membership on February 25, at its next meeting the Vestry will vote on a set of proposed By-Laws. Although the membership will not be voting on the proposed By-Laws, copies of the proposed By-Laws are also linked below.