St. Margaret's Guild
Mission Statement
St. Margaret's is a guild devoted to worship, study, fellowship, and prayer. We support programs locally and beyond. We strive through study to broaden and deepen our faith. We provide hospitality for visitors and church members. We host receptions for all phases of church life. The many services we perform reflect our gratitude for the goodness and joy accorded to us. Meetings St. Margaret's Guild meets in the parish hall on the second Tuesday of each month beginning at 10:00 AM. All women of Grace Memorial are considered members and are welcomed to join us in our program of worship, study, and fellowship. Officers 2023-2024 Lee LeGuyader, President Jan Anderson, Vice President Marsha Adams, Secretary Tudy Moore, Treasurer Deborah Correjolles, Devotional Karla Wyld, Corresponding Secretary Ministries We Support Click the name to learn more about these organizations and ministries. CAS (Child Advocacy Services) Grace Baskets Southeast Advocates for Family Empowerment: SAFE The Fuller Shop Tangi Food Pantry House of Serenity, Ponchatoula Grace Memorial Christian Formation Grace Memorial Garden |
A Prayer for the Episcopal Church Women
Almighty God, our heavenly Father, bless we pray thee, our work for the extension of thy kingdom and make us so thankful for the precious gift to us of thy beloved Son, that we pray fervently, labor diligently, and give liberally to make Him known to all nations as their Savior and their King, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.